Exercise 4 – Three Image Story

Topic Progress:

Three Image Story

This exercise provides an opportunity to use the physical skills we started developing in the Emotion Selfie exercise to practice our listening skills and to share personal stories to build trust. The exercise Three Image Story will require you to interpret a story and to make still images (frozen pictures) to replay the story. Listening and communication are important ingredients of Three Image Story to make sure that your story and the stories of others are represented.

Time to complete: 20 minutes

Step 1: Take a moment to think of a personal experience related to something you did or that happened to you. This could be an event in the past week or past year. It could be a major life event or part of your everyday life. There is no right or wrong story.

Step 2: Verbalise or write down the story. The story does not have to be long or elaborate. If working in a classroom or community environment, you might want to get into pairs to first share your story.

Step 3:  Think about the journey of the story and the three main parts of the story.

Step 4: If working independently, stand up and create three still images (frozen pictures) that illustrate the story. If working in pairs, each partner will tell their story and then the listener will create the three images based on the story and then switch.

If you would like an example, please watch the video examples of Three Image Story provided by our MAP youth master trainers.

Note: If in pairs, this process can be developed by sharing your story with your partner and vice versa. After stories have been shared, each person in turn will develop three images that represent the story of their partner.

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